Cannot Add Shopping List on Nest Hub

Solving problems like cannot add shopping list on Nest Hub is easy. You can use your voice and say “Google, add (the item you want to add) to the shopping list”. But if your family member says the same command, it does not want to add the items to the shopping list. This device replies by saying that it does not recognize their voice. What can you do when you want your family members also can add items to the shopping list? Do you have to change the settings? Is there any problem with the Voice Match?


How to Add Shopping List on Nest Hub for Family Members

If your family members are home members on the Google Home app, here are the instructions to let them add some items to the shopping list on Nest Hub:

  1. Launch the Google Home App, continue by choosing Settings
  2. Choose Google Assistant
  3. Manage all Assistant settings and then select Shopping list
  4. Tap on the shopping list that you would like to share. After that, choose the plus sign located in the upper right-hand corner.
  5. Choose the home member’s account.

How to Add a Home Member

However, if they are not a home member, you can try for the following steps on how to add a home member:

  1. Launch the Google Home app
  2. If you have up to one home, you can choose Favorite. Choose the home you want to edit.
  3. Choose Settings > Add > Home member.
  4. Put their name or email address to the home and then choose Next
  5. Review what is going to share when you add someone to the home, choose Next
  6. Review the person that access to your home, choose Send.
  7. If your Google Family Group is not full, and the person you want to add is not already in one, you will get an option to invite the person to the Google Family Group: Add to Family– To invite them; No Thanks – To skip the step

Note: You can add about six members in your Google Family Group

That is all about how to fix cannot add shopping list on Nest Hub. If the method above does not work, you can try for training Google Assistant to recognize your voice using Voice Match. Now, every person you have added as a home member, they should be able to add any important items on the shopping list on your smart display.

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