How to Change WiFi Password on Google Nest Hub

One of the most popular questions about Google smart home devices is how to change WiFi password on Google Nest Hub. Changing the network that your Google Nest Hub connect is not something too often to do. But, when you do it – For example when you install a new router or change the name of the WiFi network – It can be tricky.


How to Change WiFi Password on Google Nest Hub

It is possible to update your Google Nest Hub WiFi password from your Google Home app. Network password must be alphanumeric, which means there is a combination of letters and numbers. Here are the restrictions to create network passwords:

  • Your passwords length must be between 8-63 characters.
  • There must be no accidental space at the beginning and the end of the network password or name.
  • There must be no special characters.

If you want to change your network WiFi password, make sure that you disconnect all your devices first from the WiFi until you have updated those devices using the new password. Otherwise, Google Home App will give you a network insight after 7 days to allow you know that your device cannot connect.

In this tutorial, you can try how to change WiFi password on Google Nest Hub by following the steps below:

  • Launch Google Home app
  • Tap WiFi, choose Show password
  • Tap on Edit
  • Change the password
  • Choose Save

Reusing Older Network Name and Password

If you want to reuse a network name or a password from your old router, you would not have to reconnect your devices that were previously on the WiFi network. If the old router is still using a WiFi network, you can experience odd problem since some devices will be connected to the WiFi router and others are connected to the older router.

Updating your WiFi Settings Using Google Home App

You can use this tutorial for Google Nest Hub first generation. It is not necessary to reset your Google Home devices if you want to change your WiFi password by following the steps below:

  • Launch Google Home App
  • Tap on Add + > Set up Device > Set up new devices in your home
  • Follow the instructions in the app

If this tutorial cannot solve your issue on how to change WiFi password on Google Nest Hub, you must factory reset your display and then set it up using the new WiFi network together with the password.

More useful topics about WiFi problems on Nest Hub

Troubleshooting – Failed to Connect to New Router

If your Google Nest Hub do not want to connect to your new router, try a factory reset on your device. Once you have reset your device or try to forget the WiFi network, it is the time to reconnect it.

To do that, plug in the Google Nest Hub and be sure that your smartphone is connected to the new WiFi network. After that, open the Google Home.

This app will see your Google Nest Hub automatically. Otherwise, unplug it and wait for about ten seconds. After that, plug it back in and then try again.

The next step is tap on Add in the top left. Tap “Set up a device” and “Set up new devices in your home”. This app will direct you through the setup process and then connect your device to the new WiFi network.

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